United 93 is a 2006 film written and directed by British filmmaker Paul Greengrass. The film shows the events aboard United Airlines Flight 93, one of the four hijacked flights during the September 11 attacks on America. The hijackers planned to crash the plane into a federal government building in the national capital of Washington, D.C. The mission became a partial failure when the passengers fought back, forcing the terrorists to crash the plane in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, preventing them from reaching al-Qaeda's intended target, but killing everyone aboard the flight. Flight 93 was the only plane to not hit its intended target due to the intervention of passengers and crew. The film also covers the experiences of government officials and air traffic controllers, many of whom are played by themselves, as they witness the other events of the attacks unfold that day.
The film recounts the hijacking and subsequent events during the flight with as much accuracy as possible, including utilizing a real time perspective where the film takes place over the exact same amount of time as the real-life events beginning from the plane's takeoff. There is, however, a disclaimer that some imagination had to be used to tell the story. Overall, United 93 was made with the support and cooperation of most of the passengers' families, and many attended the premiere.
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